Hunter's house Starodorozhski h1

Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Starye dorogi town, Kirova str., 22.

coordinates for GPS Navigator 53°05.005' N, 28°27.220' E

Today Tuesday, 08.10.2024
 11:19 Minsk


Reservation Department

Hunter's house «Starodorozhski h1» is surrounded by a picturesque mixed forest in Starodorozhsky district of the Minsk region, on the bank of an artificial pond. Up to 8 people can be accommodated in the cozy two-storey hunter's house, and the house has an equipped kitchen (dishes, refrigerator, stove, microwave oven) for self-catering. On the territory there are a gazebo, barbecue area, free parking. Holidaymakers have the opportunity to steam in a bath designed for a company of up to 8 people.

Rooms and rates

  Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities     The price of the room / cottage a night

x8   for 8 people (hunter's house)

  possible 2 additional seats

 WC, conveniences for the cottage, shower, washstand / TV, electric kettle, equipment for the house, fridge, kitchen, microvawe oven, oven, tableware
08-October -  30-April-2025 7500
   Cost for room (house) for 8 people 7500 a day.
C  01-May-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
Photos of rooms available for reference. Interior design, equipment and furniture arrangement is specified for standard rooms and may vary.

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